Without question, the last few weeks have created an extraordinary amount of challenges that are gripping our economy, critical infrastructure, educational system, and way of life.
Based on some ongoing conversations with family/friends, adventures into the bowels of Reddit, and the constant battering of news (and misinformation), a common pattern emerged: The stress and unknown circumstances of current events is taking an extreme toll on all our mental wellbeing.
The best way out is always through. - Robert Frost
A collection of resources to help understand and improve mental wellbeing.
Also (based on interest) an upcoming, curated weekly newsletter of the internet’s best mental health resources.
More than a guide, a community sourced and curated resource for achieving proper mental wellbeing in any situation. Whether a pandemic, a personal challenge, or just an off day, this resource can be referenced to help get you through it! This list is by no means exhaustive and I encourage contributions from all members of the community.
These are not magical steps to follow to achieve perfect wellbeing. You are reading this list which is a good first step. Now it’s up to you to take action and identify areas of interest below or specific categories that you feel could be of benefit. If still you’re struggling with where to begin, reach out to me directly and I will help as best I can.
How well you feel emotionally and psychologically
How you interact with nature
How good you feel about yourself
How well your body functions
How well you get along with others
How you live with a purpose
If you are interested in receiving a curated weekly newsletter with mental health resources, please sign up below. Based on demand/interest, we can continue to grow this list of resources, continue to provide weekly updates, and continue to help all of us to achieve stronger mental health in these challenging times 🧠
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